The Purpose Lead, Science based Company
TOMUSUKE is a professional ingredients supplier and solutions contributor focusing on vitamins, carotenoids and intermediates. With many years cooperate with world leading manufacturer and researching institions. We are regularly operating in Japan and China with expanding apperance in Mid east and Africa as we see great potential in these promising lands that continuing shows great appetite for ingredients and solutions.
Tackling the biggest challenges of our planet
Our scientific expertise and innovation power are answering some of the world’s biggest challenges, supporting our business growth and delivering value to everyone from customers and shareholders to employees, to the citizens of the world…
Our purpose is what drives our innovations and services. Our bright minds are guided by our ‘magnetic north’ - a genuine reflection of why our company exists and why we all come into work each day: to power our clent's individuality and creat a better life for all.
In practice that means using all our knowledge, experience and resources at our disposal to address three defining societal areas of Nutrition & Health, Climate & Energy and Resources & Circularity.
Whether it’s fighting hidden hunger around the world, enabling our customers to produce sustainable and healthy animal proteins or creating bio-based, high performance thermoplastics…science & innovation really can change the world.