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TOMOSUKE BIOCHEM is initially established by Dr. Bai who studied in Japan for Ph. D., it is a purpose oriented company highly engaged in nutrition , health , agrochemical industry. We endeavor to power your individuality and provide with innovative products and solutions through deep cooperation  with world leading  manufacturers. Supporting by our typical customizable products development, jointly researching and competitive marketing stretch, we are becoming more deep rooted in China beside Japan.

At TOMOSUKE, we understand the power of nutrition and its impact on our future. As a science based supplier of vitamins, carotenoids, nutrition and functional ingredients, we inspire you to think big, see further and power individuality for a brighter further.

All About Our History

In 2003, Dr. Bai studied in Sentai University, Japan and was founded by state research fund to further research on high pressure synthesis. Year after, Dr. Bai and his crew member raised money and found Tomosuke Corp in their researching lab. Initially, Tomosuke Corp was majorly engaged in technology authorization and patent attorney.
After years of expanding, Dr. Bai and his team decide to further expand business scale to coutries outside Japan. Therefore, Tomosuke Biochem Chinese office was set in Dr. Bai's hometown Hefei in the middle of Anhui Province. 
In 2020, Tomosuke Biochem acquried a year-round losing company in Fuyang, northen city in Anhui Province and started to upgrade its facility.

Tomosuke Biochem sees the increasing chanlleages ahead and we are stick to our philosophy: "Power your individuality" 

Together with TOMOSUKE, we can power your individuality and brush a brighter world for future generations.

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