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Agricultural Ingredients

We see many chanllenges ahead of human sociaty, our planet is changed dramatically from what our ancestors has experienced. We also understand that we need to do something about it. So we focus on a high-quality portfolio of specialty materials which could be applied in many industries like printing inks, paints, lacquers, and adhesives and agrochemicals. In these fields, Tomosuke is offering competitive compound solutions of solvants and intermendiates through our advanced and sustainable solutions, we believe that are meeting demand for better materials, greater efficiency and improved environmental performance.

Potassium Sulfate

Potassium sulphate; SOP

CAS#: 7778-80-5

Glufosinate ammonium

2-Amino-4-[hydroxy(methylphosphonoyl)]butanoic acid

CAS#: 51276-47-2



CAS#: 138261-41-3

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